Face Demography Analytic from Photo


What is age detection?


The face age detector can tell you how old you look.

Send us a photo, and we'll guess the age of the person in it. See if your real age matches your apparent age, you handsome devil!


The Age Recognition API detects the age of people in photos.


Age detection is the process of automatically determining the age of a person from an image of their face.

  • Detect faces in the input image/video stream

How does it work?


AI is trained on a few datasets, up to 300,000 images of people of different genders, ages, and nationalities. Data scientists worked with photos of celebrities from different periods of their lives. AI was taught to monitor how an appearance changes with age and predict how old people are. There may be differences between predicted and biological ages within no more than 3 years..


Who can use it?

It can be helpful for photographers and users of photo stock sites: age recognition makes keywording more accurate and image searching more relevant. The model becomes an addition to Everypixel's image keywording and stock photo scoring services.

You Can Comapre some people simply age better than others.

Let's Detect Age From Photo

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